Many people approach fitness the same way, they jump in as hard as possible, diet hard, train hard, and get burnt out within a few weeks. Jumping in too fast can lead to exhaustion and boredom with health and fitness, leading to many people calling it quits. This can even happen to someone with years of fitness experience who tries to start a new diet and training program. The best thing you can do to make sure this doesn't happen to you is continue reading this article to find out 5 mistakes thousands of people make!
1 - No Planning
You have to plan ahead if you want to succeed with a healthier lifestyle through diet and fitness. Your diet, your training regime, your individual workout sessions, and your goals, both long term and short term, need to be planned before venturing into a new world. Chances are, if you forget to plan any of these things, your results will suffer and you may end up quitting, simply because you don't know what you need to be following. Randomness is not always good, especially in the world of fitness!
2 - Excuses
Excuses are too common in our world today, and they are even more common in the fitness world. Maybe you have a cough so you don't feel like working out. Your friends may want to party later tonight so you can't workout today. You can't afford to eat healthy. Excuses are completely worthless so why even waste your time making them up. Stop making excuses if you want to be healthier and be physically fit. Nobody has made it to their goals by making excuses.
3 - How Often To Workout
Do you think working out for 30 minutes a week is good? Well, some people do. Do you think that you should workout everyday for 2-3 hours? Surprisingly, many people think so. Working out too little or too much won't get you anywhere. You have to find the happy medium to see how much you need to workout. If you workout too little, you will never meet your goals. If you workout too much, you risk injury and overtraining. Sticking to something like hitting the gym 3 or 4 times a week for about an hour each time is something good to go by. In fact, thousands of people already follow workout routines that follow that schedule!
4 - Magic Answers
There are no magic pills, magic diets, or magic workout programs. There is nothing magic about success with health and fitness. It just takes hard work and dedication. It may sound harsh but it can't be any closer to the truth. Stop believing TV commercials and awesome advertisements.
5 - Comparisons
Comparing yourself to a fitness professional or somebody that has much more experience that you is setting yourself up for a downfall. If you want to succeed, you can't go around comparing your body to the next person. Your genetics are different than everybody, so you can't make comparisons that aren't fair. Instead of comparing yourself to someone else, why not compare yourself now to yourself a year ago. If that doesn't give you great motivation, then you are not working out right!
Now you have read the 5 easiest mistakes to avoid in the world of fitness. If you just avoid these mistakes alone, you are on your way to succeeding with your goals, as long as they are within reach. Even the professionals make mistakes from time to time, so go ahead and save this article for future reference!
If you are looking for more information on health and fitness, you should check out Milo Martinovich Fitness. It features an informational Diet And Fitness Blog. If you are interested in personal training services in Reno, NV, Milo Martinovich is a highly qualified Reno Personal Trainer.
Sunday, October 28, 2012
Tuesday, October 9, 2012
Adventureland scott adams 1
Go east/Go north/Get axe/Go down/Get ox/Bunyon/Swim/Go west/Go west
Get axe/Get ox/Get fruit/Go east/Climb tree/Get keys/go down/Cut tree
Climb tree/Drop ox/Drop fruit/Get lamp/Go down/Drop axe/Go down
Open door/Drop keys/Light lamp/Go hallway/Go down/Go down/Go north
Hookahs Get flint/Go west/Go west/Go south/Get rug/Go down/Get net/Away/Away
Lamp off/Go south/Climb tree/get bottle/Drop flint/Go up/Go north
Go north/Catch fish/Go west/Climb tree/Drop fish/Drop net/Drop bottle
Get flint/Go down/Go down/Go hallway/Light lamp/Go down/Go south
Get bladder/Go north/Go up/Go up/Go up/Lamp off/Get rubies/Go up
Drop rubies/Go up/Get gas/Climb tree/Go down/Go down/Go hallway
Light lamp/Go down/Go south/Go up/Drop bladder/Light gas/Drop flint
Go hole/Jump/Yell/Go throne/Get crown/Go west/Get mirror/Jump/Go west
Get bricks/Go down/Go north/Go down/Go north/Go west/Go west/Go south
Go down/Drop bricks/Get firestone/Away/Away/Lamp off/Go south
Climb tree/Drop firestone/Drop rug/Drop crown/Drop mirror/Get bottle
Rub lamp/Rub lamp/Go up/Get mud/Climb tree/Go down/Go down/Go hallway
Bongs Light lamp/Go down/Drink water/Go north/Get honey/Get bees/Go south
Go up/Go up/Go up/Go up/Go up/Drop mud/Go north/Drop bees/Get eggs
Go south/Climb tree/Drop honey/Drop eggs/Score
1. Let sleeping dragons lie, until much later. (Never go near him with any mud.)
2. In quicksand take only the ax. Get ox. Say Bunyon. Swim south. Go to
Paul's place. En route, get flint and steel.
3. Glass Pipes Climb tree. Get key. Read web. Chop tree. May need mud for chigger bites.
Go stump. Start dumping treasures. Rub lamp (Twice only) for two more. With
the rubies directly below, there should now be five. Take bottle.
4. Unlock door. Drop keys. Go hallway. Light lamp with flint and steel. If
lamp dies, fill with oily slime.
5. In maze, get rug and net. With rug, get out by say away (twice) to transport
back to the meadow.
6. At lake with filled bottle and net, catch fish. (Fish die without bottle.)
7. Get wine bladder. Fill bladder (with swamp gas). In royal chamber, drop
bladder. Burn bladder.
8. Scream (at bear). Jump ledge. Get crown, mirror and bricks. Don't throw ax
at bear or waste honey on him. Drop mirror on rug only (get clues).
9. Dam lava with bricks. Pour water. Get firestone.
10. In beehive, with rug, mud, and empty bottle, catch bees. Take honey. Drop
mud. Glass Bubblers Go meadow. Release bees. Get dragon eggs. (Can make it 50% of the time
before Bees die, but using rug and say away is easier.) After dropping all
thirteen treasures, say score. The treasure summary:
Blue Ox Golden Fish Golden Net
Jeweled Fruit Diamond Ring Bracelet
Rubies Rug Magic Mirror
Golden Crown Royal Honey Firestone
Dragon Eggs
Friday, October 5, 2012
Z o r K
So, you're all set for The Great Underground Empire, eh? Okay, but before
we begin, a few words about this walkthrough. First, this is not the only
way to solve the game. It's just one of the faster ones. Second, because
there is no "wasted motion" in this game, you will not be visiting all the
locations. So, you might want to play around with the game on your own for
a while, mapping out as much as you can, without much regard for gathering
treasures. Actually, mapping is a good idea, since, if you make a misstep
somewhere, you might find yourself in trouble! Be especially careful to
follow the directions when in the mazes; a wrong move there, and you could
be lost for quite some time!
Finally, you may not go through this in exactly the way it's written
because of the thief. He is a variable item in the game; you never know
where he will show up. Try to move out of the room he's in as soon as he
shows up. But keep in mind that even if he does steal anything from you,
you will get it all back from him in the end. Okay? Let's start the
You begin West of the house, and your first chore is to get inside. So, go
South and East. Open the window and enter the house (you're in the
kitchen), then go West into the living room. Get the lamp, then move the
rug, revealing the trap door. Open the trap door, turn on the lamp, and go
down. At this point, some mysterious person will shut the door on you;
don't worry about that for now. Okay, so here you are in the cellar. It's
time to pick up your first treasure, so go South, then East to the Gallery.
Get the painting, then continue North to the Studio.
Go up the chimney (you can only fit with the lamp and the painting), and
you will be in the kitchen again. Now, go upstairs to the attic, and get
the knife and rope. Come back down and go into the living room. Open the
case and put the painting inside. Then, drop the knife and get the sword.
Open the trap door again, and return to the cellar. Again, the door is shut
by someone (you never will find out who's doing this, but it doesn't
matter). Now you're back in the cellar, and since we're coming to one of
the more dangerous parts of the game, you might want to do a save here.
Gripping your trusty sword, head North into the Troll room. There's a nasty
troll here with a bloody axe, and the only way past is to kill him. So, do
just that: "Kill Troll With Sword." It will most likely take more than one
attempt, so keep at it, and eventually he will disappear in a cloud of
black smoke. Now, drop the sword, because you really don't need it any
more, and it will hinder you in carrying other, more important items.
Having despatched the troll, you move along East, East (into the Round
room), then SE and East. You are now in the Dome room. It's a long way
down, and too far to jump, so here's where the rope comes in handy. Tie the
rope to the railing, then climb down the rope. You will be in the Torch
Leave the torch for now; you'll be coming back this way again later. From
the Torch room, go South, then East and get the coffin. Return West, then
continue South to the Altar. There's no way you're going to get down that
hole with the coffin, and even the program will tell you that you haven't
got a prayer. That's a hint, folks: Just "Pray," and you will find yourself
in the forest again. Since it's daylight out, save energy and turn off the
lamp. Now, head along South, then North (I know, but it works!) to the
clearing, then East to the Canyon View. Climb all the way down to the
bottom, then go North to Rainbow's End.
Drop the coffin and open it. Inside is a jewelled sceptre. Get that, and
wave it. The rainbow will become solid (you'll need to cross over from the
other side later). Now, "Look." You should see a pot of gold. Get that, and
the coffin. After that, go SW, then all the way back up to Canyon View.
From there, it's NW to the clearing, and then West to the window. Once in
the kitchen, open the bag and get the garlic (nothing else, just the
garlic). Go on into the living room, and put your treasures in the case.
Now, sit down and take a breather, because you're about to do a lot of
Once again, open the trap door, turn on the lamp, and go down. Watch
carefully, and you will notice that this time, the door doesn't close!
Whoever was doing it before must have gotten bored. Anyway, you're on your
way to the dam, so move along North, East, North, NE, and East. You are now
on top of the dam. From there, go North to the Lobby. Pick up the matches,
then go either North or East (doesn't matter) into the Maintenance room.
Get the wrench and the screwdriver, then push the yellow button. Now,
return to the dam, and you will see that the green bubble is lit. Turn the
bolt with the wrench, then drop the wrench. You have opened the dam, and
you will be coming back this way again to reap the fruits of your labours.
However, right now, you're on your way to Hades, so let's get going!
Go South, then down into the Loud room. Leave the platinum bar for now;
you'll get it later. Head West into the Round room, then SE and East
(hmmmm, haven't you been here before?). Again, climb down the rope. This
time, get the torch. At this point, you can turn off your lamp; the torch
will provide light so long as you have it. Now, continue straight South,
getting the bell, then the book and candles from the altar. Go down the
hole to the cave, then down again to the entrance to Hades. Your candles
will have blown out by this time, but don't worry about it.
Okay, here's where you have to be careful. First, ring the bell. It will
become red hot and you will drop it. You will also drop the candles. Stay
calm, and do the following, all in one command: Get the candles, light
match, light candles with match (necessary, because of the torch, and DON'T
use the torch, or you'll vapourise the candles!). Okay, strange things
happened when you lit the candles, now read the book. Whew! The demons have
been exorcised! Drop the book, then go South and get the crystal skull.
Now, back North, then up to the cave, then North to the Mirror room. By the
way, better put out the candles. Rub the mirror, and you will now be in
another Mirror room (this one is North of the dam, as the other one is
Now, go North, then West, then North, then West into the Squeaky room
(well, I told you you'd be doing a lot of travelling this time!). Make sure
you have the garlic with you, then go North into the Bat room. So long as
you have the garlic, he won't bother you. There is a jade figurine here,
but leave it for now. You'll pick it up on your way out.
Go East to the Shaft room. Put the torch into the basket, then turn on your
lamp and head North to the Smelly room, then down to the Gas Room (best not
to carry any open flames here!). Now, you are about to enter a small maze,
so follow these directions CAREFULLY! East, Northeast, Southeast,
Southwest, down, and you should be at the top of the ladder (if you aren't,
may God have mercy on your soul!). From there, go down to the Ladder
Bottom, and then South to the Dead End for the coal. Get that, then return
to the ladder top. From there, go up, North, East, South, North, and you
will be back in the Gas room. Go up, then South to the Shaft room again.
Put the coal in the basket, and lower the basket. Now, guess what? You have
to go back through the coal mine again! So, make your way to the Ladder
Bottom, but this time, go West to the Timber room. Ignore the broken timber
(not useful for anything), and drop all but the screwdriver. Now, you can
squeeze through the crack to the West. And here you are in the Drafty Room,
which is also at the bottom of the shaft. There's the basket, so get the
coal and the torch, and move South into the Machine room. Open the lid, put
the coal in the machine, close the lid, and turn the switch with the
screwdriver. Drop the screwdriver, open the lid, and get the diamond (well,
no one ever said Zork was an EASY game!).
Now, go back North, and put the torch and the diamond in the basket.
Squeeze back East into the Timber room. Get the skull, lamp, and garlic.
You won't be needing the matches and the candles any more, so you can leave
them. (They were insurance in case the thief came along and stole the torch
before you could get the diamond). Now, head East again to the Ladder
Bottom, and from there up and through the coal mine (you know the way
now!), to the Gas room. Pick up the bracelet, then continue on up and South
to the Shaft room. Get the torch and the diamond from the basket, turn off
the lamp, then go West into the Bat room.
Get the jade, then go South, East, South to the Slide room. Now, here's a
fast way back to the cellar: Just go down the slide! Wheeeee! Then it's up
to the living room (remember, the trap door is open now), and all the
treasures go into the case. Huff! Puff! Bet you didn't know you'd be doing
THIS much running around! But, don't get too relaxed, there's still plenty
more to come!!).
Turn on the lamp, and return to the cellar. From there, it's North (ah,
deja vu!), then East, North, NE to Reservoir South. Now that the sluice
gates are open, you can head North, picking up the trunk of jewels, North
again to Reservoir North, getting the air pump, and North one more time,
getting the crystal trident. After that, go all the way back South again to
Reservoir South, then East to the dam, and then East once more to the Dam
Base. Here you find a little pile of folded plastic; guess what it is?
Right, it's an inflatable boat! So, inflate it with the pump, then drop the
pump, then get inside the boat, say "Launch," and you're floating off along
the Frigid River.
Now, just keep waiting until you see the buoy. Get that, then "East" to the
beach. Get out of the boat, then get the shovel and move on to the Sandy
Cave to the NE. You might want to save the game at this point, since you
have to dig here until the scarab turns up, and I'm sure you don't want to
get buried alive (it's been known to happen!). Okay, drop the shovel and
get the scarab, then go back SW. Drop the buoy and open it; inside is an
emerald. Get that, then continue South to the Aragain Falls. Here you can
cross the rainbow (so do that!), which brings you to the End of The
Turn off the lamp, then go SW to the Canyon Bottom. From there, make your
way back to the living room, and put all the treasures in the case. Your
collection is quite impressive by now, but you aren't finished yet. Go East
twice, then North twice. Climb up the tree and get the egg. Climb down
again, and go South, East, and back to the living room. However, this time,
you don't put the treasure in the case. Turn on the lamp, and go down (once
again!) into the cellar, and North to the Troll room. Now, you are about to
enter a maze, so follow the directions very carefully!
West (this brings you into the maze), South, East, up, and you find several
items here. Take only the coins and the key, and be careful not to touch
the skeleton! From here, go SW, East, South, SE, and you will be in the
Cyclops room. The Cyclops is not friendly, but you can deal with him
effortlessly: Just type in "Ulysses" (or "Odysseus," if you prefer). Old
One-Eye will tear out of there right through the wall! In fact, he will
create a passage eastward from that room right into the living room!
However, you don't want to go that way yet!
Instead, go upstairs, and you will be in the Treasure Room, the thief's
secret lair. Now, give him the egg, and go back downstairs, then East to
the living room. Deposit the coins in the case, then get the knife (the
thief needs a little time to open the egg). Okay, go back West to the
Cyclops room. Again, at this point, saving is recommended; the thief will
not be easy to kill! So, head upstairs and use the nasty knife to kill the
thief. Once he's dead, all treasures in the room will be visible. This
includes the egg, a silver chalice, and anything he may have stolen from
you before.
Get everything, then follow these directions: Down, NW, South, West, up,
down, NE, and you will be in the Grating Room. Unlock and open the grate
(watch out for falling leaves!), then go up. You will be in a clearing.
From there, go South and climb the tree again. Wind up the canary that's
inside the egg. A songbird will come by and drop a bauble for you. Climb
down again and get the bauble, then return to the living room. Put all the
treasures in the case, making sure you REMOVE THE CANARY from the egg and
put it in the case separately! You're almost finished! Just one more trip
to make!
Now, for the last time, enter the cellar and go North. From the Troll Room,
go East until you come again to the Loud Room. Type in: "Echo," and you
will now be able to get the bar. So, grab it and return to the living room.
Once you place it in the case, you will get a message. Follow the advice of
that message, and you will get a map. Take that, and return to the place
where this all started, the mailbox West of the house. You should have no
trouble getting to the barrow from there. Of course, once you enter the
barrow.... You didn't really think it would end there, did you? Not when
there's still Zork II and Zork III waiting for you up ahead! Ah, but it's
too late; you can't turn back now! You'll just have to grit your teeth and
follow through to the end (with a little help, of course). See you in Zork
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
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